Thursday, September 29, 2005

what am looking foward to the most...

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thanks fred.

desmond scribbled at 12:17 PM.

You are 85% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 42% Brutal, and 0% Arrogant.
You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit.

To put it less negatively:

1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive.

2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.

3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.

4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.

desmond scribbled at 7:22 AM.

having not watched soccer for the longest time ever, i dragged myself out from the bed to the sofa-bed in the living room at 630am. thinking that i can finally watch a decent game of live soccer between liverpool and chelsea. only to realise 45 minutes later that this was a delayed telecast. so there i was at 7 plus in the morning, knowing that its a boring nil-nil draw, with a injured thumb from canoepolo and contemplating if i should go back to bed.

the thought of never waking up once before in the morning since the start of mid sem break got the better of me. and here i am.

am crippled on my right thumb to the extend that am currently typing without the use of it, which means am spacebar-ing with my index. trust me. its a 100 times slower. the first thought when my thumb was injured was the fact that i cant write. which means i wun haf to sit for the exams in 3 weeks time. yippeee. only to realise 10secs later that this could never be true. and being unable to use the chopstix means am eating my indomee with a fork. which felt weird for a while.

got my tickets book for home. 37 more days. to all the people and things that i love. er and also less than 37 days to get 4 reports done and prepare of exams. for once am looking foward to exams that some think am crazy.

on another note, someone should inform the lads at liverpool that a draw does not constitutes to 3 points. they are drawing each game like a win. retards.

better get started on typing my report. with my 9 other working fingers.

desmond scribbled at 7:00 AM.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

are we too young to deal with death?

ive always believe death to be a joyous occasion. where one is finally resting for good after all the work he has done in this life. but death to me has always be associated with age. with old ppl. with ppl who has seen it, done it.

when my grandpa died few yrs ago, i was actually happy for him. for i know its time for him to rest. of cos am sad that his gone, but i know the pain his dealing with each day, and its time for him to have a good long rest.

but ive never thought abt losing someone whos of my age. whos got so much ahead of him. so much to accomplish. to achieve. and within hours his gone. without a goodbye.

i believe his got so much more he wanted to do. so much more he wanted to say. to his friends, to his love ones. and yet he can't. for its not in his control. am not angry. am really not. in fact i should take joy in the fact that he might be with Him now.

theres a thousand 'what ifs' going through ppl's mind right now. mine included. but all this comes to nothing. how the saying always go, 'live life to the fullest'. i think it should also end with 'you never know when's your last'. in all honesty, we don't. and never will.

we should live today like its the last. say the words we always wanted to. do the things we always wanted to. and not be left with a thousand what ifs in our head.

desmond scribbled at 12:56 PM.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagined

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Your playing small does not serve the world

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking

So that other people wouldn’t feel insecure around you

We were all meant to shine as children do

Its not just in some of us, it’s in everyone

And as we let our own light shine

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same

As we are liberated from our own fear

Our presence automatically liberates others

desmond scribbled at 11:59 AM.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

thanks for the times when we played polo together.
thanks for the ridiculously funny stuff youve said.
thanks for the time when we trained together.
thanks for the times when we used to work together.
thanks for the 6 years of friendship.

why did you go so fast.
why did you not wait for one last goodbye.

i wish am there to bid you one last farewell.
i really wish i was.

sorry for not being able to send you off on your last journey.

see you when i get back.

take care for now my friend. whereever you are.

in your memory.

desmond scribbled at 4:30 PM.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Recently read one of y leong's post and i tot it was pretty hilarious and a pretty good one as well. so i got his permission and tagged it here. enjoy.


Well there are desperate single guys, and there are DESPERATE single guys.
The difference wif the latter is that they are full of disillusion and confidence.
He seems to think that every female being within 5 km radius around him is interested in him. How does he know that?"Oh it's very obvious. They are showing me signs"So here I present to u a Dummy guide to:what she does and"what sign it is"

Walking on the streets :
She walks behind me"She's stalkin me, she must be interested in me"
She walks beside me"She's checking me out, she must be interested in me"
She walks in front of me"She wants me to go after her, she must be interested in me. Nice butt. Hur hur"
She running away from me"She's showin off her bouncing boobs to me, she must be interested in me. Tua liap."
She doesn't talk"She's shy in front of the man of her dreams, she must be interested in me"
She says hi"Wow she's so friendly to me, she must be interested in me "
She ask what kinda girl I like"She wants me to describe her, she must be interested in me"
She says "Fuck off u pervert! Stop grabbing my breast!""Wow, She's speaking my language, she must be interested in me. Tua liap, haha"
She doesn't sms me"She's playing hard to get, she must be interested in me"
She sms me good nite msg and teddy bears"Wow she wrote such nice things herself, she must be interested in me"
Body contact
She stand close to me"She wants me to bua her! she must be interested in me"
She stands 5 km away from me"she is admiring me from far, she must be interested in me"
She doesn't touch me when we talk"She's nervous in front of me, she must be interested in me"
She touches me when we talk"She's findin my G spot, she must be interested in me"
She punches me in the stomach and kicks my groin"She's sizing me up for tonight, she must be interested in me"
She's single"She's desperate, she must be interested in me"
She jus broke off"She's lonely, she must be interested in me. Rebounce... Rebounce!"
She's attached"She dunno wat's she's doing , she must be interested in me"
She's married"She Wants and affair, she must be interested in me"
She's married with 2 kids"MILF, she must be interested in me"

as u can see there's no reason why she can't be interested in you. So stop downloading porn at home and go out to find the signs out there. : )

desmond scribbled at 10:24 AM.

bart's greatest fear is not that he is inadequate;
but that he is powerful beyond imagined.

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